Frontline for Climate Action (FCA), a youth-centered and volunteer-driven non-governmental organization based in Accra, Ghana, is proud to announce a strategic partnership with Reforce Okwei, a PhD student at the University of Western Ontario in London, Canada. This collaboration aims to support Reforce's pivotal research on the "Impacts of Climate Change on Vulnerable Slum Communities in Accra, Ghana."
About Frontline for Climate Action
Frontline for Climate Action is dedicated to tackling the climate crisis and advocating for sustainable practices. Through community engagement, innovative approaches, and influencing policy outcomes, FCA strives to safeguard a habitable planet for present and future generations. The organization's vision is to create a world united in harmony with nature, led by young people towards a thriving and resilient planet. FCA's core values—action, service, and partnership—guide its mission to make meaningful and lasting contributions to the fight against climate change.
Supporting Pioneering Research
Reforce Okwei's research focuses on understanding and addressing the impacts of climate change on vulnerable slum communities in Accra, which have often been overlooked by policymakers. Recognizing the significance of this research, FCA is committed to providing comprehensive support to ensure its success.
FCA’s Commitment to Reforce Okwei’s Research**
1. Access and Resources: FCA will grant Reforce unrestricted access to its office space and resources, ensuring a conducive environment for his research activities.
2. Field Assistance: The organization will recruit competent field assistants to help conduct surveys and gather crucial data from the slum communities.
3. Networking and Collaboration: FCA will connect Reforce with its network of collaborators working on similar research, facilitating the exchange of ideas and resources.
4. Institutional and Community Access: The organization will coordinate access to key institutions and community leaders for interviews, ensuring that Reforce can gather comprehensive and accurate data.
5. Policy Engagement: FCA will facilitate policy engagements with key urban and climate actors to disseminate Reforce's research findings. This includes the publication of policy briefs aimed at shaping policy and influencing decision-makers.
6. Risk Mitigation: The organization will assist in mitigating potential field risks, ensuring Reforce's safety and the smooth progression of his research.
Impact and Future Prospects
FCA is optimistic that Reforce's research findings will be shared with government institutions and international agencies to enhance efforts in delivering effective climate adaptation solutions in vulnerable settlements in Ghana. This research will not only contribute to the design of interventions to make Accra and other cities in Ghana more sustainable and inclusive but also align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically SDG #11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) and SDG #13 (Climate Action).
Frontline for Climate Action is unwavering in its commitment to support Reforce Okwei's research from development to implementation. This partnership holds the potential to create pathways to sustainable urban development and safeguard the livelihoods of vulnerable communities amidst the climate crisis. FCA is honored to contribute to this significant research which is expected to be conducted between May and August 2024 and all stakeholders looks forward to the positive outcomes it will generate. This partnership not only exemplifies FCA's dedication to climate action but also highlights the importance of collaborative efforts in addressing global challenges.